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· | Batch Image Resizing - With the influx of megapixels digital cameras, it is easy to take extremely huge images which may be good for prints but too large to share with friends or put up on the web. Batch It! allows you to resize images three ways, by pixel sizes, by percentage,by ratios and in frames. Framing creates uniform image dimensions while maintaining aspect ratios within the frames.
· | Batch Image File Renaming - Digital cameras would name all files with names which may not be representative of the photographs and it may be difficult to sort through them later. Batch It! allows you to batch rename the images to your liking such as "Julia's Birthday 01.jpg" or "Day at the Zoo 0002.jpg" . It need not be "P8012312.jpg" or "G1011102.jpg" anymore.
· | Batch Text Captioning - Batch It! allows you to add short text on images be it a short description, filename and date and time. With a short description, it would indeed make your images more meaningful. Adding copyright tags would assert your ownership of your works.
· | Batch Watermarking - Batch It! allows you to add small watermark logos or images onto the images. This can be copyright images or anything fancy.
· | Batch Image Rotation - The digital camera was made to take landscape images but at times it is not uncommon to take portrait images. Batch It! allows you to batch rotate them or you could define which image you want to rotate.
· | Batch Drop Shadow - Digital images right off the camera have very standard rectangular borders which makes the images look flat. Adding Drop Shadow would make the images stand out.
· | Batch Effects Adjustments - Batch It! comes with a host of features which allows you to create grayscale, negative, old picture effects and more on the images to give them that unique feel. It also supports Auto Equalization which adjusts and balances color contrast and intensity levels. You get all these and more with Batch It!. It saves you time by taking away the mundane tasks of image processing and allowing you more time to do what you enjoy most. What used to take days or weeks to accomplished can be done in a matter of minutes.